Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Wow, Chinese alot lei ...

Early in the morning, we need to gather at the café at 7am. Because of my laziness of preparing breakfast, I decided to try our café’s breakfast. I bought a small plate of Nasi Lemak plus 1 small nugget cost me rm1.20. Today is the day when I finally meet my all course mates. In my observation, I saw many Chinese girls also studying communications. Wahh … Total of 50 plus Chinese student in communications out of 126 students, consider not bad. We Chinese guys have a total of 8 while the Chinese girls got 40 plus, incredible. Dint aspect so many leng luisss in our course. I really can’t know them 1 by 1 because too many, I’m thinking that I probably will know them more when PIMPIN Siswa camp. I’m quite glad because my guru penasihat are a Chinese women, it’s much easy for me to communicate in Chinese. This time, I finally understand what college students always mention the unit marks lahh… I need to reach a minimum 135 units in order to graduate.

Night time, again DTSP, very important talk, we call that KO-K, it means co-curriculum. We need to get an at least 3 units of points to graduate. I’ve saw the realistic of employer life that the speaker mention. Now days, employee needs a worker that full of holistic characteristics, leadership to change their organizations, not just only the CPGA. According to the requirement employee , the first requirement in order to employ is communication skills, while CPGA had a ranking of 17th. Are u serious me, 17? I’m shock and surprise…

I’m very appreciate what did PPSL Tekun thought us-The Tekun’s Cheers. “Tekun, so hot Tekun Boom Boom, so hot Tekun Boom Boom.” And also 4 more … Updates next time the four more. Can’t wait the events comes-Walkrobik Kampus. Too excited and hungry too … 

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